Android Studio 2.0

Android recently released a beta of Android Studio 2.0. This beta holds many new features that any android user would be excited to use. According to, many accounts can be added to the phone to synchronize emails and contacts. This can helpful for personal and work use. More efficiently, 2.0 also features a search […]


When the internet was first established, people connected to the internet through dial-up. Dial-up was activated through the phone and had a very poor connection. It wasn’t until the creation of broadband connection when internet acquired high-speed connection. AT&T was the first company to sell this service. With AT&T being the first provider of this […]

Apple Vs. FBI

In December of 2015 the San Bernardino Massacre took place. The FBI wanted full access to the shooters’ phones, but could not get it because they were password protected. So, the FBI asked the court to make apple remake their operating system where they could disable the privacy of the pass code lock. Apple did […]

Convergence in Media

The web is flooded with numerous forms of mediums. These mediums include text, video, audio, and calling. Throughout the past century many of these could only be used at once, but it wasn’t until the late 80’s and early 90’s when the amazing internet was created, which allowed all these mediums to be used at […]

Special Vibrations

Have you ever wanted to change the way your IPhone vibrates? Here for a while you could select from a small list of various vibration settings, but now you can create a vibration of your own! This option will help you determine who is who whether you are texting or calling. If you are unfamiliar […]

Virtual and Real World

Not only is the internet used for business or shopping, it is also widely used for social purposes such as keeping in touch with friends and maintaining personal blogs. With there being so few limitations and authority on the net, people can, generally, express themselves in any form or fashion online. This may have people […]

Error 53?

Do you have an IPhone 6, 6plus, 6s and 6 plus? Well, if you get your home button repaired at a non-apple authorized repair center on one of these devices, you could get yourself into a bad situation. Error 53 is a failure to access anything on your IPhone. This is because each home button […]

The Communications Revolution

The 20th century was a great time for technology. Throughout the years technology advanced at such a fast pace that multiple mediums were created. This includes telephone, television, and the networked computer. Erik P. Bucy states that this was the Communications Revolution in his book Living in the Information Age. The telephone has been around […]