Playlist of Scents

Have you ever been to a themed party where they had everything? They had decorations, food, lights, and music. Well, one thing that would be a great necessity to the party would be Vapor Communications’, CYRANO! Cyrano basically acts like your phone playlist. when you are in a certain mood you want to listen to […]

Iphone Sales Low

Apple is one of the leading phone companies in America. Sales always skyrocket when a new phone comes out. When wasn’t the last time you heard about a new apple product coming out? Nearly every year they have something new, and their sales goes out of the roof; however, this year their sales are below their […]

Smart Mattress

Sleep tracking has been around for a while, but the company Durmet has its own Smarttress mattress, which will let you see when your bed is being used even when you are not home. Crazy right? They created an app called Smarttress, which they call a lover detection system, that will send notifications to your […]

Fitbit Saves a Life

A fitbit is a device that tracks your physical activity, helps you maintain a well diet, and helps you view your sleep patterns. Recently, a 42 year old man was rushed to the hospital due to a seizure. Usually, doctors cannot detect when a patient experiences an elevated heart rate, but fortunately this patient had […]

Apps and the Autistic Community

Do you know of anyone who is autistic? Well, if you do you can introduce the to these 13 apps that are significant to the autistic community. These 13 apps that are listed help support and empower them. Proloquo4Text Assistive Express Proloquo2Go Keeble Avaz FreeSpeech Children With Autism: A Visual Schedule Choiceworks Miracle Modus FlummoxVision […]

The Next Big Thing

Technology has come a long way and advances every single day. To what I have been hearing, the next big thing is definitely virtual reality. Virtual reality is taking over a lot of industries such as mobile industry, movie industry, gaming industry, and surprisingly the porn industry. There are virtual reality kits that you can […]

How does the Internet affect my personal and social life?

The internet is such a great tool in today’s society. You can use it for various things such as research, music, communication, etc.. Honestly, the internet has made my life a whole lot easier. Whenever I need to know something or don’t know something, I usually go to the web for information. Being in college, […]

Brussels Attack

Recently, Brussels airport and metro station was under attack and bombed. Nearly 30 people died. While people were scrambling to safety and local residents were opening their homes for safety, Facebook turned on a safety feature for Brussels. This safety feature allowed people to know who was in the affected area and if they got […]

What Created The Web?

I believe that the Communications Revolution created the web. Let me give you a little background on it. The 20th century was a great time for technology. Throughout the years technology advanced at such a fast pace that multiple mediums were created. This includes telephone, television, and the networked computer. Erik P. Bucy states that this […]