Playlist of Scents

Have you ever been to a themed party where they had everything? They had decorations, food, lights, and music. Well, one thing that would be a great necessity to the party would be Vapor Communications’, CYRANO! Cyrano basically acts like your phone playlist. when you are in a certain mood you want to listen to certain music right? Well, now you can pick certain scents for certain moods or different occasions from your phone. This is crazy!

According to Mashable’s, Kellen Beck, ” Vapor Communications aims to change that with Cyrano, a “scent speaker” that uses multiple, interchangeable scent capsules to make your space smell nice. By mixing up different scents, Cyrano creates different “mood medleys,” emitting scents one after another to trigger different feelings like relaxation, energy or freedom.

The cylindrical device, about the size of a squat jar of peanut butter, holds three interchangeable scent capsules at once, each containing four different scents. Some of the smells include lilac, honeysuckle, sunscreen and a bunch more. Instead of emitting one scent for a long time, Cyrano switches between them before your brain has a chance to block out the smell.”

When Cyrano is released it will cost around $150 to $250, and the device will also come with a scent package with various scents.


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