How does the Internet affect my personal and social life?

The internet is such a great tool in today’s society. You can use it for various things such as research, music, communication, etc.. Honestly, the internet has made my life a whole lot easier. Whenever I need to know something or don’t know something, I usually go to the web for information. Being in college, research is something i’ll be doing most of the time. The internet is my primary means of doing so. Communication is the primary reason I use it. I email, use social media, and create content usually to communicate with others. I can easily contact relatives and friends from a long distance at a fast pace as well. Socially, I think the internet is a good way to meet and stay in contact with people. Friends and I will usually stay in contact often on the web. Also, music is huge part of my life. I keep up with new music that comes out just about every day, and without the internet it would be nearly impossible. So, without the internet things would be a lot harder to do such as communicate, research, and keep up with world wide news. I am truly thankful for the web.

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