How does the Internet affect my personal and social life?

The internet is such a great tool in today’s society. You can use it for various things such as research, music, communication, etc.. Honestly, the internet has made my life a whole lot easier. Whenever I need to know something or don’t know something, I usually go to the web for information. Being in college, […]

Brussels Attack

Recently, Brussels airport and metro station was under attack and bombed. Nearly 30 people died. While people were scrambling to safety and local residents were opening their homes for safety, Facebook turned on a safety feature for Brussels. This safety feature allowed people to know who was in the affected area and if they got […]

What Created The Web?

I believe that the Communications Revolution created the web. Let me give you a little background on it. The 20th century was a great time for technology. Throughout the years technology advanced at such a fast pace that multiple mediums were created. This includes telephone, television, and the networked computer. Erik P. Bucy states that this […]